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The Loom Shed Natural Dye Study Group – 2024/25

April 30 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm BST



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11th September 2024, 15th January 2025, 30th April 2025, 16thJuly 2025, 15th October 2025

Wednesday evenings 7pm – 8.30pm

For our second year of the Natural Dye Study group, we are looking at different dyestuffs, but the ethos behind the course is the same – to improve our knowledge of natural dyes and our practice with them.

If you weren’t part of the first year, you are welcome to jump straight into year two. Equally, if you’ve enjoyed the first year, we’d be delighted to have you continue with year two to further your knowledge.

This course will give you a framework for working with natural dyes and open up new areas of exploration. So whether you are new to the craft or have some experience, we hope you find something new to get excited about.

We will focus on dyeing cellulose fibre (cotton, linen, hemp, etc.) for 2024/25, looking at different mordants and modifiers to create a wide palette of colours. We will also discuss salient issues that affect the dyer – how best to dispose of your unwanted dye material? What is the best policy for foraging for materials? What effect does your water have on the colour?

We will be meeting seasonally throughout the year to explore mordanting in September, dyeing with cochineal or sustainable brazilwood in January, Walnut and Dyers Camomile in April, then Indigo in July. Each session will be led by expert dyer and Loom Shed regular, Jane Deane, who will lead us in a discussion, demonstrate a certain technique and set your project for the months ahead.

We will also be joined in two sessions by guest speakers, Debbie Bamford and Isabella Whitworth, to share their areas of expertise and inspire you to explore different avenues in your research.

You will need a certain amount of dye equipment and an area away from food preparation to complete this study. You will be sent a materials list and we are working with Debbie Tomkies at DT Crafts to be our one-stop-shop for dyes, mordants, modifiers, skeins and equipment. She can also answer any questions you may have about what resources you need.

We estimate this course will take 12 hours of independent practice time, but we don’t ask you to produce a certain amount of samples. How involved you get with each session depends on how much time you have available that season. Each session will be recorded and sent out to all participants in the following week, so you can catch up if you miss an evening or simply watch a bit that needed clarifying again.

We have an online social group for you to share your results and ask questions throughout the year. It’s always good to have a group to celebrate your successes and commiserate your failures with! We will also have to consider a form of graduation ceremony where you can see what everyone in the group has achieved during the year.

*** You can pay for this course in instalments – £85 on booking and the remaining £60 by 1st April***